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Ontario Legislature Debate Announcement

CoverContraceptiON Disappointed in Lack of Commitment for Universal Contraception

TORONTO – Tonight, MPPs from across partisan lines debated universal contraception in the province of Ontario. The CoverContraceptiON team is deeply disappointed that the Ontario government has halted efforts to implement universal contraception in our province. We thank the New Democratic Party for their leadership in bringing forward this important debate to the Ontario Legislature, especially MPP Jennie Stevens who has been a champion of the universal contraception cause. 


“While we are thrilled that universal contraception has been brought forward in the Legislature as an important issue this evening, there is significant work required to support this necessary policy,” says CoverContraceptiON Co-Chair, Dr. Hava Starkman. 


The Government this evening demonstrated further education is needed for MPPs about the health benefits of contraception for numerous medical conditions including uterine cancer. The intrauterine contraceptive device (IUD) is a first-line treatment for pre-cancerous lesions within the uterus, offering a non-invasive, non-surgical method to prevent the progression to uterus cancer. Furthermore, contraception is a first-line treatment for numerous health conditions including endometriosis, polycystic ovarian syndrome, bleeding disorders, and more.


“As an OB/GYN resident, I see first-hand the implications of not having access to contraception daily” says CoverContraceptiON Co-Chair, Dr. Nour Bakhache. “The Ontario Government has missed an opportunity to develop a legacy program that will support Ontarians’ health now and in the future.”


We applaud all Ontarians who wrote to their representatives sharing what universal contraception would mean to them. We hope the Government will consider Ontarians, especially those who are ineligible for OHIP+, as well as survivors of intimate partner violence and human trafficking.


Universal contraception has numerous health, economic, and social benefits for people in Ontario and will save the province millions of dollars. CoverContraceptiON will continue to advocate for universal contraception for all. Looking for ways to support the cause? Write to your MPP with a single click here. If you are interested in joining the campaign, please visit our website.

About Us: Cover ContraceptiON is a grassroots, non-partisan, volunteer-run campaign with the goal of providing universal, no-cost contraception to all people in Ontario. The Cover ContraceptiON campaign started at the beginning of the pandemic, when a group of frontline physicians at the University of Toronto recognized that the COVID-19 pandemic was intensifying pre-existing inequities among marginalized populations – those of low socioeconomic status, cultural minorities, Black and Indigenous peoples, and residents of rural communities. The time to act in Ontario is now.


For further information, please contact: Liz Thompson, Advocacy Lead  and Dr. Mary Boulos, Communications Lead, at  

Twitter: @Contracepti_ON

Instagram: @Contracepti_ON


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